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7x5 Offer

Stay with us for 7 nigths and pay only 5.


How to book?

  • Online: select the dates in the booking engine that appears on all pages (up tp the rigth) and click the button. Once the booking process begins, you can select "7x5 Offer" as an option and finalize
  • Phone: +376 870 550
  • E-mail:


  • 100% prepaid at booking time
  • Are not allowed any charches or cancellations
  • Subject to abailability and not combinable with other offers


  • IMPORTANT: our roms have a maximum occupancy of 4 people.
  • Remember : Children less than 13th years old are not allowed to access to Sport Wellness Mountain Spa. Children from 13th to 18th years old must to be always accompanied by an adult. Swimsuit and flip flops are required to access the water circuit and pre-booking mandatory.